I hear there is this thing called the interwebz, and on it you can do stuff. Some of the stuff I do is DJ and hang with friends on Second Life, and slay monsters in World Of Warcraft. Is this really who I am? Of course not. I am a big little kid with a good heart (on most days.)
srsly? srsly? you don't blog for a jillion years and this is what you blog? LOL! ;)
*hugs* I can feel your joy!
WHAT IN THE WORLD! In a million years I have not looked at blogs... so I peek in... and... *rubs eyes* lordy... I could see this at home...
*shakes head*
*runs away* :)
*whispers* write :)
I blogged this so my fellow guildmates (aka geeks) could see my spiffy and shiny new UI. Sooorrrrryyyyy!! :-P
Oh, and by srsly, do you mean seriously? That is sooooo hard to type out.
*ducks and runs*
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